Relationships Explorations

The Seat Of Power (Story)

Leah Pearlman

Have you been recently felt triggered by politics, political figures, or people with different political views? You may find this 12 minute episode helpful; challenging, but helpful.

After a Disagreement or Fight

Leah Pearlman

After a fight or disagreement with someone, whether it was verbalized or just happened internally, it's so easy to stew on the feelings and thoughts afterward. If you're stewing anyway, consider using your uncomfortable feelings as an object of meditation, to find your way back to connect and love either with that person, or at least with your own self to start.

I Lost My Favorite Glasses (Exploration)

Leah Pearlman

I woke up irritated that someone hadn't called me back. I was tempted to start my day by calling them back as a way of getting control of the situation. But then I realized that the phone call would be away to avoid my own feelings about the situation, so instead, I recorded this episode...

Tempted to Scold or Blame Someone (Exploration)

Leah Pearlman

Sometime it can be VERY tempting to tell someone what they did wrong, or how they let you down, or blame them in some way. But this doesn't always lead to the best results. In this exploration, you can explore your own feelings behind the issue before engaging in a conversation about what happened.

Feeling Less Than

Leah Pearlman

If you have recently been in, or are going to be in, a situation in which you feel less than others in someway, this exploration will help you welcome and relieve the feelings that can bring up.


Leah Pearlman

Many of us have a complicated relationship with Intimacy. We think we don't have enough or should have more, or we think others are required for us to feel intimate...

When someone you love is suffering

Leah Pearlman

It can be a very helpless feeling when someone we know and care about is suffering or struggling. So often we want to help, but if we don't know how or our help isn't accepted or working, it leaves us alone with our suffering...

I Dare You (Story)

Leah Pearlman

Last week, I gave a talk at Microsoft. Near the end of the session, someone asked me if I thought it was possible to cultivate internal peace while working in tech, or if I thought it was necessary to leave one’s job.

Keeping Things As They Are For Now

Leah Pearlman

Do you have something in your life you wish were different, but also, when you check, there isn't clarity about when or if or how to change that thing?

Having What You Want

Leah Pearlman

Most of think we'll be better off when we get what we think we want. But better off how? Usually what we REALLY want is to feel a certain way, and we've believed we can't feel that way until our life changes...


Sharon Cavanaugh

Getting rejected sucks. It seems like we can't control how long it lasts. We might find ourselves doing things to distract ourselves or to escape the feeling, but when we check, the discomfort is still there...

Vulnerability Hangover (Story)

Leah Pearlman

Recently, I sent a long, vulnerable email to close friends and family. Immediately, I felt regret. I was sure they would judge me for what I wrote. I was beating myself up before anyone else could...

I’m Afraid I Messed Up

Leah Pearlman

Sometimes we can be afraid we made a mistake. Maybe a big mistake or small, but either way, it can feel pretty awful, especially if we suspect someone was hurt or negatively affected by something we did...

Everyone Is Better Than Me (Story)

Leah Pearlman

Do you ever look around the room, your life, the world, wearing everyone-is-better-than-me glasses? I do, sometimes. In this short story I share one way to work with that painful feeling when it comes...

Big Life Transitions

Leah Pearlman

Many of us have been taught that there are steps required on the path to freedom. Maybe meditation or yoga, inquiry or compassion, or something else. Yet we have also been taught that freedom is here, now...

Losing A Loved One

Leah Pearlman

Losing someone we love can be an incredibly intense emotional experience. It can be full of overwhelm and wanting it to be different. This exploration helps you turn toward your loss, turn toward your love, allowing the pain to be as it is, as well as invisible sense of connection and completion...

Decision-Making #2

Sharon Cavanaugh

Making decisions is something that we do every day. Usually clarity comes quickly and easily -- and then there are those times when we feel stuck or stressed around a decision we are facing...

Feeling Obligated

Leah Pearlman

So many of us do things in life out of a sense of obligation rather than a sense of choice. This recording explores the underlying thoughts and feelings that can contributed to a resentful, or choice-less sense of obligation, as well as our motives for doing what we do.

Feeling Trapped #2

Leah Pearlman

Are there situations in which you feel trapped? This could be in a job, a relationship, or a room full of people you're not particularly enjoying. If you frequently have the feeling of being trapped, then this exploration is for you. It helps you slow down the "trapped" experience to see what's really happening beneath the surface.

Resisting Yourself

Leah Pearlman

Sometimes we judge things and people and attitudes as being something we need to get rid of in the world, without realizing that everything we see is a reflection of something inside us, wanting our love.

A Painful Confession (Story)

Leah Pearlman

As if physical or emotional pain isn't hard enough, many of us beat ourselves up for having it. This story shares an encounter with one of my own inner terrorists.

Feeling Hurt

Leah Pearlman

We *all* feel hurt sometimes. But often we try to cover over that hurt for various reasons. Maybe we want to seem strong, or we don't think we deserve to feel hurt, or maybe we feel angry so quickly we didn't even notice the hurt...

Clean Up Constriction In Any Relationship

Sharon Cavanaugh

Is there anyone who comes to mind that you would like to feel better about? Maybe someone you have interacted with and you keep thinking about how it went. Or someone you plan to interact with and you are anticipating how it will go...

Aversion To A Person

Leah Pearlman

A welcoming meditation exploring the feelings that come up when we feel like we have aversion to someone.

Conflicted About A Commitment

Leah Pearlman

A welcoming meditation exploring what happens when we have mixed feelings about a a commitment.


Leah Pearlman

An exploration of the feeling of sadness as well as the resistance that often comes with it.

Feeling Left Out

Leah Pearlman

A Welcoming Meditation exploring the experience of feeling left out.

Welcoming Anger

Leah Pearlman

A Welcoming Meditation exploring the experience of anger.

If Only I Were Better In Some Way

Leah Pearlman

Do you find yourself more fixated on becoming who you want to be than really being honest about and satisfied with who or what you are?...

Fear Of Disappointing Someone

Leah Pearlman

Sometimes we're afraid that something we did or are going to do might disappoint someone. This video explores that particular feeling in a deeper granularity that will allow it to loosen and release. Feel free to listen as often as you need.

Wanting Approval

Leah Pearlman

Sometimes we notice we're organizing our life to get approval we're afraid we're lacking. This meditation explores the experience of wanting approval, how much we avoid feeling that, and how personal it can feel.

Resentment In Relationships

Leah Pearlman

Whether we like it or not, many of us keep score in relationships and then feel like shutting our hearts when we believe we are doing more than the other person. This exploration explores the feelings and believes within that experience and opens to the possibility of a love beyond tallies...

Not Enough

Leah Pearlman

Do you ever feel like you haven't done enough? Or that you aren't enough as you are?

Sadness and Grief

Leah Pearlman

Sadness and Grief are two feelings we often try to escape, but they are rich part of the tapestry of human experience. Use this guided meditation to explore and acquaint yourself with these sometimes uncomfortable, but inevitable feelings.

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