Tempted to Scold or Blame Someone (Exploration)

Sometime it can be VERY tempting to tell someone what they did wrong, or how they let you down, or blame them in some way. But this doesn’t always lead to the best results. In this exploration, you can explore your own feelings behind the issue before engaging in a conversation about what happened.

Feeling Less Than

If you have recently been in, or are going to be in, a situation in which you feel less than others in someway, this exploration will help you welcome and relieve the feelings that can bring up.


Many of us have a complicated relationship with Intimacy. We think we don’t have enough or should have more, or we think others are required for us to feel intimate…

When someone you love is suffering

It can be a very helpless feeling when someone we know and care about is suffering or struggling. So often we want to help, but if we don’t know how or our help isn’t accepted or working, it leaves us alone with our suffering…

I Dare You (Story)

Last week, I gave a talk at Microsoft. Near the end of the session, someone asked me if I thought it was possible to cultivate internal peace while working in tech, or if I thought it was necessary to leave one’s job.