General Welcoming Practice

Sometimes you may want to do a Welcoming practice, but aren’t sure what to focus on. This exploration invites you to practice without having a starting place. You can do this anytime you have a vague sense that Welcoming could be helpful, but don’t know why, or if you’re just wanting to feel more connected to yourself/life.

Golf #2 A Bad Break On A Good Shot

Hitting a good shot only to face a bad break can shift your momentum and challenge your mindset. We’ll explore how these moments impact your game, from feeling like a victim of bad luck to finding ways to stay in control…

Having What You Want

Most of think we’ll be better off when we get what we think we want. But better off how? Usually what we REALLY want is to feel a certain way, and we’ve believed we can’t feel that way until our life changes…


Getting rejected sucks. It seems like we can’t control how long it lasts. We might find ourselves doing things to distract ourselves or to escape the feeling, but when we check, the discomfort is still there…

Judging Yourself

Sometimes we can get really down on ourselves when we believe we have some characteristic or personality trait that is keeping people from loving us, or keeping us from feeling successful, or useful, or safe. It can be very tempting to either succumb to this abuse OR try to get away from it…

I’m Afraid I Messed Up

Sometimes we can be afraid we made a mistake. Maybe a big mistake or small, but either way, it can feel pretty awful, especially if we suspect someone was hurt or negatively affected by something we did…

Insignificant And Worthless

Sometimes we are overtaken by a sense of feeling personally insignificant and worthless. It can be so tempting to resist these feelings and try to deny them, rather than to notice them as feelings. This exploration will help you face these uncomfortable suspicions head-on…