Author Archives: Leah Pearlman

Should I Buy the $8 Raspberries?

Rather listen than read? Click here. Last week I stood in the grocery store mulling over whether to spend $7.99 on a tiny container of local organic raspberries. Had I been shopping for myself, I would have grabbed the less-expensive larger container, but a dear friend is staying with me, and these were for her. What should I do? Hours before, I’d been on a call as part of a course I’m taking (and loving). The facilitator had talked about decision-making. “One way to define alignment,” he said, “is when our actions are congruent with who we want to be.” He pointed out that our values can help us make decisions about which actions to take. Said simply: Our Values […]

Two cows are grazing in a pasture…

Rather listen than read? Click here. Three years ago my partner Vince and I began looking for a house to buy together in Colorado. After two years of looking, nothing felt quite right. On a road trip from Maryland to Montreal we fell in love with Vermont and decided “Ah, here we will find our dream home!” As spring approached, we rented a house on an island in Lake Champlain on the border between Vermont and New York. We packed up our things and moved. Upon arriving, the house hunt began again. This involved hours and hours on Zillow, talking to multiple realtors, and attending home tours. In two months, we’ve driven back and forth across the entire state multiple […]